Fivesparks will be closed January 5-13 for building maintenance and in preparation for our Artists in Residence Program, reopening Tuesday, January 14 on our regular schedule. Our Artists in Residence Program runs Saturday, January 18 through Saturday, February 22.

Chamber Music Workshop

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“Loving the Process”

Chamber Music Workshop

June 22-27, 2020

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Your Coaches:

Our Philosophy

At the center  of “Loving the Process” is the intention to reclaim and strengthen an improvisatory spirit of making music together. Let’s take the music ‘off the page’ and become co-creators with the composer.  Let’s experience the alchemy that turns score reading into a shared exploration of the human condition. From practice — where we sharpen skills and deepen and refine our understanding of the score — to performance, how do we genuinely celebrate musical experimentation, discovery and community?

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Sponsored by Fivesparks in Harvard, Massachusetts

Workshop Contact: Judith Eissenberg, Artistic Director

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Thanks to the Further Forward Foundation for its partnership and generous support of the Chamber Music Workshop.

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This program has been made possible, in part, with support from ACMP Associated Chamber Music Players.

[/cs_text][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content][cs_content_seo]”Loving the Process”

Chamber Music Workshop
June 22-27, 2020
Your Coaches:

Judith Eissenberg, violin
Rhonda Rider, cello
Judith Gordon, piano

Our Philosophy
At the center  of “Loving the Process” is the intention to reclaim and strengthen an improvisatory spirit of making music together. Let’s take the music ‘off the page’ and become co-creators with the composer.  Let’s experience the alchemy that turns score reading into a shared exploration of the human condition. From practice — where we sharpen skills and deepen and refine our understanding of the score — to performance, how do we genuinely celebrate musical experimentation, discovery and community?
Sponsored by Fivesparks in Harvard, Massachusetts
Workshop Contact: Judith Eissenberg, Artistic Director

Thanks to the Further Forward Foundation for its partnership and generous support of the Chamber Music Workshop.

This program has been made possible, in part, with support from ACMP Associated Chamber Music Players.[/cs_content_seo]