January is Artists in Residence Month!! Saturdays are FREE demos & try-it days!
Saturdays will offer hands-on demos by various artists, where visitors can drop-in to try a wide variety of art techniques, media and projects.
Drop-in, no registration required. However, arriving at the beginning of the 2-hour block is recommended as most programs are structured.
Today 10:00am-12:00pm
Neurographic Art is a meditative drawing technique created in Russia in 2015 that taps into one’s subconscious and relaxes the mind. The free-form drawing of ‘neuro’ lines can induce a connection between the conscious and subconscious, often producing a relaxed state of mind, and yet still producing a beautiful piece of art.
Come meet Nikki, experiment with your own neuropraphic sketch, and learn about her upcoming workshops at Fivesparks.