Facilitators: Ann Gillespie (agillespieart@gmail.com) and Judy Warner (awarner@charter.net).
Enjoy the rewarding experience of creating art out-of-doors in Harvard! This group will meet weekly for six weeks to paint together in local private and public areas, including many beautiful sites not typically accessible to the public. While plein air is wonderful, it can be daunting and difficult to get out consistently on a solo basis. The commitment to painting with a group can be extremely helpful in “making it happen” and is also fun and rewarding.
All levels are encouraged to participate, from beginner to professional, and artists are welcome to create in the medium of their choice. While this program’s facilitators are generously donating their time to plan, organize, and manage the series, they won’t be providing actual instruction; all participants are encouraged to share ideas, tips and fellowship.
Donation: $100 for the six sessions. All proceeds benefit Fivesparks.
Space is limited.
Dates: Wednesdays, June 7, 14, 21, & 28; July 12 & 19 (rain dates Thursday of same week, or resheduled as warranted; no session week of July 4th)
Time: 3:00-5:30pm
Registrants will receive tips for plein air and the schedule with locations, in advance of the sessions.