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LAST WEEK TO VIEW: Destination:Nature 2024 – “Wild and Scenic”


This is the last week to view this exhibit.  A juried art show featuring art inspired by the balance between society and nature in the Nashua River Watershed. The Harvard Conservation Trust is partnering again with Fivesparks to celebrate art and nature with a juried art show.  This partnership will highlight the beauty of the

LAST DAY TO VIEW: Destination:Nature 2024 – “Wild and Scenic”


January 4th, 2025 is the last day to view this exhibit. A juried art show featuring art inspired by the balance between society and nature in the Nashua River Watershed. The Harvard Conservation Trust is partnering again with Fivesparks to celebrate art and nature with a juried art show.  This partnership will highlight the beauty

Artists in Residence (AIR) Program 2025


What has now become an annual tradition, Fivesparks is thrilled to invite artists into our historic building for 6 weeks of communal creativity for our Artists in Residence (AIR) Program. We also welcome the public to observe, visit and interact with artists while they work during our open hours and through scheduled demos, discussions and

Free AIR Demo – Elizabeth Noonan – Ceramics

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

FREE DEMO Stop by the Cove at Fivesparks to visit with Ceramicist Elizabeth Noonan between 12:00-2:00PM. Chat with her about her creative philosophies, ask her questions, or simply watch her work.  Liz describes herself as a storyteller and her work as a visual narrative of her surroundings and past. Using clay, she attempts to create

Free AIR Demo – Corinne Walker – Pastel

Fivesparks Fireplace Room 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

FREE DEMO Casual demonstration with pastel artist Corinne Walker 12:00-4:00PM in the Fivesparks Fireplace Room  Come meet Corinne, watch her work and learn about her art philosophies/techniques.  You're talk with her and welcome to sit and watch her work anytime from 12-4pm. 

Free AIR Demo – Corinne Walker – Pastel

Fivesparks Fireplace Room 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

FREE DEMO Casual demonstration with pastel artist Corinne Walker. 12:00-3:00PM in the Fivesparks Fireplace Room  Come meet Corinne, watch her work and learn about her art philosophies/techniques.  You're welcome to talk with her and to sit and watch her work anytime from 12-3pm. At 3:00 you can stay and enjoy the Artists in Residence Reception,

Free AIR Demo – Anne Swinton – Clay

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Come down to the Cove at Fivesparks to chat with clay artist Anne Swinton.  Watch her work magic with clay and fall in love with the end product of her handwork.  Saturday, 12:00-3:00PM I’ve had an appreciation of clay since graduating college and taking wheel throwing classes. My artistic awakening, however, only started 6 years

Free AIR Demo – Keith Demanche – Pastel

Fivesparks Loft 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

FREE DEMO Casual demonstration with pastel artist Keith Demanche. 12:00-3:00PM in the Fivesparks Loft. Come meet Keith, watch him work and learn about his art philosophies/techniques and passion for plein air painting.  You're welcome to talk with him and/or to sit and watch him work anytime from 12-3pm. At 3:00 you can stay and enjoy