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Artists in Residence Month at Fivesparks!


Fivesparks will once again open its doors to area artists for a winter month of collective creativity, good vibes and collaboration!  From January 9 - February 10, 2024, Fivesparks will

Felted Mushroom House

Fivesparks Loft 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Come into the warmth at Fivesparks with friends or family to learn or expand your skills in wool needle-felting and create a whimsical mushroom house!  Monday 1/29 6:30-8pm  Ages Adult

School Early Release! Felted Guinea Pig & Bowl

Fivesparks Loft 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Come on over to Fivesparks with your friends on a chilly school early release afternoon to create an adorable little felted guinea pig with its own little bowl accessory!  Wednesday,

Painting with Wool – Open Studio Time

Fivesparks Loft 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Come into Fivesparks for some felting fun.  Bring unfinished projects, or ideas for starting something new, and have fun working with other felting enthusiasts while gaining the benefit of Rachel's