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Event Series Taiwan-Mahjong Classes (April series)

Taiwan-Mahjong Classes (April series)

Fivesparks Loft 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

All instructor proceeds from these classes will be donated to support the Harvard Historical Society's purchase of the Antique Stove housed at Fivesparks. If you want to try something new or different than American Mahjong, sign up for this series of 4 Taiwan-Mahjong classes. American Mahjong requires players to purchase a play card every year,

School Early Release! – Felted Panda

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

School Early Release Day! Felted Panda Wednesday 5/1 1:45-3:15pm Ages: 9-15 $28.50   To register, or for more information click this link.

Painting with Wool – Purple Sunset

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Painting with Wool - Purple Sunset Wednesday May 1st 6:30-8pm Ages: Adults and kids 11+ Join Rachel Benson at Fivesparks to learn the art of painting with wool. She will guide you through the chosen landscape, but you are welcome to add details to make it your own. All material provided! $30 For more information

Litho Pencil & Caran d’Ache Monotype Prints

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

This three-hour workshop will cover the process of making monotypes by using litho pencils and Caran d'Ache water-soluble crayons on plexiglass and printing them onto paper - no press needed! Anyone who can make a mark can use this technique. It is also a perfect way for artists who are focused on drawing to become

Españolería – A Spanish Song Experience

Fivesparks Gallery 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Fanny Lora, Mezzo-soprano & Dave McLellan, Guitarist Españolería is an opportunity for the audience to experience some of the greatest Spanish poetry and classical music for voice and guitar. This

Village Nursery School – Children’s Art Show


Village Nursery School (VNS), located in Harvard, MA, is a small, private, non-profit preschool educating children ages 2-5.  We focus on a child-centered approach and plan our curriculum around literature and children’s books.  Teachers thoughtfully plan their art projects from the inspiration they get from the wonderful books their classrooms focus on. VNS has a

Village Nursery School – Children’s Art Show


Village Nursery School (VNS), located in Harvard, MA, is a small, private, non-profit preschool educating children ages 2-5.  We focus on a child-centered approach and plan our curriculum around literature and children’s books.  Teachers thoughtfully plan their art projects from the inspiration they get from the wonderful books their classrooms focus on. VNS has a

Village Nursery School – Children’s Art Show


Village Nursery School (VNS), located in Harvard, MA, is a small, private, non-profit preschool educating children ages 2-5.  We focus on a child-centered approach and plan our curriculum around literature and children’s books.  Teachers thoughtfully plan their art projects from the inspiration they get from the wonderful books their classrooms focus on. VNS has a