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The Art of Japanese Gyotaku Fish Printing

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

In this one-day workshop, Carolyn Letvin will teach the process of making and enhancing prints made from real fish. Originating in Japan during the mid-1800s, the process was used by

Event Series Sculptural Felting with Nikki Howland

Sculptural Felting with Nikki Howland

Fivesparks Cove 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

Join instructor Nikki Howland in this introductory workshop covering basic needle felting techniques and applying them to sculpture. We will explore form, color, texture, balance and contrast among other principles of design in order to create unique sculptures using natural fibers. Each participant will create their own work of art over the course of our