Fivesparks will be closed January 5-13 for building maintenance and in preparation for our Artists in Residence Program, reopening Tuesday, January 14 on our regular schedule. Our Artists in Residence Program runs Saturday, January 18 through Saturday, February 22.

Stephanie Opalka

  1. Events
  2. Organizers
  3. Stephanie Opalka
Events from this organizer

Book Discussion: The Soul of America by Jon Meacham

Fivesparks Gallery 7 Fairbank Street, Harvard, MA, United States

The League of Women Voters will host a moderated book discussion of The Soul of America, The Battle for our Better Angels by Jon Meacham, Pulitzer Prize Winner and New York Times Bestselling author.  The book chronicles "past eras of strife" in the U.S. with Meacham providing discussion about how history repeats itself.  In today's political environment,