Fivesparks Workshop Application

Are you interested in hosting a workshop at Fivesparks for the public? Please complete the form below, and someone will be in touch with you soon to review your application. NOTE: For this Workshop Model, Fivesparks administers registration and receives all registrant payments. Workshop provider agrees to donate 35% of workshop proceeds to Fivesparks. Fivesparks mails net payment by check to the provider within 3 business days of the workshop completion. If you would like to host a recurring series of classes, or rent space for a private event, please use this form instead.  Thanks!

Fivesparks Workshop Application

Are you interested in hosting a workshop at Fivesparks for the public? Please complete the form below, and someone will be in touch with you soon to review your application. NOTE: For this Workshop Model, Fivesparks administers registration and receives all registrant payments. Workshop provider agrees to donate 35% of workshop proceeds to Fivesparks. Fivesparks mails net payment by check to the provider within 3 business days of the workshop completion. If you would like to host a recurring series of classes, or rent space for a private event, please choose another option off of the “Organizers” menu at the top. Thanks!

  • Contact Information

  • if applicable
  • Workshop Information

  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Select date MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • For participants
  • For participants
  • This window should include set-up time before your workshop start time, and clean up time after your workshop end time.
  • This window should include set-up time before your workshop start time, and clean up time after your workshop end time.
  • For a series, indicate if participants must complete entire series or may join select sessions.
  • If you have any additional comments around the frequency of your program please include them here. For example: “Weekly on Mondays, except the week of September 3, due to the Labor Day holiday.”
  • Please provide a brief but informative description for your workshop that will be used for promotional purposes. Please include the per-participant pricing and any materials participants need to bring. If participants need materials for your class, please include a link to the materials with their costs, and indicate whether you will be purchasing them for the group (with an added fee to be paid with the class fee) or if participants are required to purchase them in advance. Provide a contact email address in case participants have questions.
  • Please select one or more categories listed. Note that a CORI background check is required for any provider facilitating a workshop attended by participants age 18 or under.
  • Please indicate the minimum number of participants required for you to hold your workshop.
  • Please indicate the maximum number of participants allowed to register for your workshop.
  • Provide cost per participant for the workshop. Fivesparks administers registration and receives all participant payments. Workshop provider agrees to donate 35% of workshop proceeds to Fivesparks. Fivesparks mails payment by check to the provider within 3 business days of the workshop completion.
  • Please provide a brief description of how you plan to publicize your workshop to generate interest and engagement with participants. Fivesparks promotes through its website, Facebook page, local newspaper advertising, our monthly email Newsletter, and Nextdoor Harvard, but… additional marketing through your network is also important. Channels for marketing your event may include: social media, email promotion, flyers, local businesses, bulletin boards, etc.
  • Please upload one or more COPYRIGHT/ROYALTY-FREE images that we may use to help promote your program to the public. Fivesparks will create promotional materials to advertise the program on social media and through other marketing channels, and reserves the right to use additional or different images at its discretion. If you choose to create additional promotional content for use other than this, we request the opportunity to review and approve this material before it is published/posted. Thank you.
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • e.g. tables, chairs, audio/visual equipment, refrigerator, etc.
    • Please select “Private” ONLY if your workshop is ‘by invitation only’ and/or not open to public participation.
    • Alcohol Policy: Alcohol (beer and/or wine) is only allowed on the premises if prior approval has been given by Fivesparks (please indicate if you are requesting permission to bring alcohol to your event). Alcohol may not be sold at the event. Fivesparks reserves the right to require applicants to obtain an alcohol license for their event from the Town of Harvard and/or to obtain insurance naming Fivesparks as an additional insured, if it is determined that the Fivesparks Entertainment License requirements can not be met.
    • Space Selection

    • Please note that capacities shown are approximate for each room.
    • Note: Please note that if you are a new Fivesparks program provider, we generally require an in-person meeting with a member for our team before application approval. Thank you for your interest in Fivesparks! We look forward to getting to know you.